Thursday, January 10, 2013


Caption #1

Who- President Barack Obama & his wife Michelle Obama
What- Hugging each other, caressing, embracing
Where- airport, Washington D.C. Kennedy International Airport, on the tarmac by the airplane
When- Monday Nov. 17th At 11 a.m.
Why-They haven't seen each other in three weeks b/c President Obama was out campaigning  to get re-elected as President of The United States
Background- President Obama tripped & fell on his way to the airport & hit his head hard enough that the medical team nearby had to come out & help him.

Sentence #1
President Barack Obama embraces his wife Michelle at the Kennedy International Airport after returning from a trip to Ohio where he was campaigning for re-election on Sunday afternoon.

The President, while on his way to the terminal tripped & fell requiring medical attention for a cut on his left cheek.

Caption Head
Tripping his way to the Presidency

Caption #2

Who-A popular Chinese artist Long Duck Dong
What- Sings at a New Years Eve after party
Where- A popular performance center In Beijing, China
When- January 1, 2013 1:30am
Why- To sing his hit "Sixteen Candles"
Background- As he hovers above his hundreds of fans, his crane jolts forward & he falls over onto the crowd who catch him & he starts to crowd surf.

Sentence #1
Popular Chinese Artist, Long Duck Dong sings his hit "Sixteen Candles" at  The Wukesong Arena in Beijing, China at a New Years after party.

Sentence #2
Korean Artist Long Duck Dong falls out of his place on the crane where he was giving his performance onto his hundreds of fans who fortunately catch him &  crowd surf him to the main stage.

Caption Head
Carried his way to safety.

Caption #3

Who- Mitt Romney
What- Gives a speech
Where- Jacksonville, Florida. On top of a stage.
When- September 26, 2012 at 2:45pm
Why- He is campaigning to become president of the United States
Background- Senator Mitt Romney makes a speech while campaigning to eventually become president.

Sentence #1 Senator Mitt Romney stands atop a stage in Jacksonville, Florida  gave a two hour speech promising to improve the country once he was elected President.

Sentence #2 Mitt Romney answers a question about his family after giving an extremely long speech while campaigning in Jacksonville, Florida.

Depth of Field (Shallow & Wide)-
Light (angle & intensity)-Light plays a role in pictures & where it comes from plays a huge role in photos. Shadows are the absence of light.
Shadows- the absence of light
Diffusion- to blend or change the intensity of light in different directions.
Exposure- whether the picture is light, dark or somewhere in the middle.
Aperture (f-stop)- aperture is in the lens & it's how big or small the opening is inside the lens
Shutter Speed-the shutter speed is inside of the body of the camera. This controls how long the shutter opens & closes.
ISO-How sensitive the sensor is to  light.

Types of lenses- telephoto, prime, wide angle
Telephoto allows you to zoom in & get closer to your subject
Prime lenses do not zoom at all, they are fixed, require you to be a better photographer
Wide angle cant take a wide angle picture

News value of the phot is important
Timeliness- when the picture was taken
Proximity- how close the event happened
Conflict- we like confilct
Human interest people are different
Prominenece- The president is prominence
Impact- WOW, you want to look at it
Novelty- Something strange, Leslie Cochran

Aperture- the opening in the lens & that opening has a number that it's associated w/. The smaller the number the bigger the opening.
Big opening, shallow depth of field. Small opening, wide depth of field.
Every lens has a maximum & a minimum

ISO when you increase your ISO your camera becomes sensitive too light. Increasing ISO  increases the grain.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome Back !!

I like how the subject is based on creativity & how the photographer took the photo using viewpoint.
This photo is not just, awesome, it's something that catches your attention & makes you want too look at it for a while & read the caption that goes w/ it. 

This is Spectacular. The viewpoint is the perfect photography rule & the subject is fantastic.

The best song of 2012
The best song of 2012 was Titanium by Sia & David Guetta. I think this was a good song to be chosen, theres an obvious meaning behind it & it's well liked : )
I chose this song b/c it was #1 in the top 100 lost for 2012.

 The best movie of 2012
The best movie of 2012 was Marvels The Avengers. I think it was a good choice, I've never seen it but I've had friends tell me that it was really good. I chose this b/c it made the most money in box offices this year.

The most important news story of 2012
The most important news story this yearwas the Sandy Hook Elementart SChool Shooting That Claimed 26 lives, 20 children & 6 adults. Thuis really was a news story that shook the nation & it was awful.

The Most important person of 2012
The most important person of 2012 was barack obam b/c he was campaigning to run our nation & alot of people looked up to him & now were depending on him to lead our country in the right direction.

My break was fantastic, I didn't go out of town unfortunatley, but I spent LOT'S of time w/ my family & a little bit w/ friends. My Christamas & New Years went well but nothing really out of the ordinary happened.. Oh well, there's always next year : ) 
I made a long iat of resolutions but the ones I'm def going too stick too are: keppmy grades up, make a new friend, start to workout regularly (ugh), & try to see the beauty in everythig : )
I'm looking forward to.... hmm. I'll just be surprised. Whatever happens, happens. I'll just go w/ the flow : )