Thursday, January 10, 2013


Caption #1

Who- President Barack Obama & his wife Michelle Obama
What- Hugging each other, caressing, embracing
Where- airport, Washington D.C. Kennedy International Airport, on the tarmac by the airplane
When- Monday Nov. 17th At 11 a.m.
Why-They haven't seen each other in three weeks b/c President Obama was out campaigning  to get re-elected as President of The United States
Background- President Obama tripped & fell on his way to the airport & hit his head hard enough that the medical team nearby had to come out & help him.

Sentence #1
President Barack Obama embraces his wife Michelle at the Kennedy International Airport after returning from a trip to Ohio where he was campaigning for re-election on Sunday afternoon.

The President, while on his way to the terminal tripped & fell requiring medical attention for a cut on his left cheek.

Caption Head
Tripping his way to the Presidency

Caption #2

Who-A popular Chinese artist Long Duck Dong
What- Sings at a New Years Eve after party
Where- A popular performance center In Beijing, China
When- January 1, 2013 1:30am
Why- To sing his hit "Sixteen Candles"
Background- As he hovers above his hundreds of fans, his crane jolts forward & he falls over onto the crowd who catch him & he starts to crowd surf.

Sentence #1
Popular Chinese Artist, Long Duck Dong sings his hit "Sixteen Candles" at  The Wukesong Arena in Beijing, China at a New Years after party.

Sentence #2
Korean Artist Long Duck Dong falls out of his place on the crane where he was giving his performance onto his hundreds of fans who fortunately catch him &  crowd surf him to the main stage.

Caption Head
Carried his way to safety.

Caption #3

Who- Mitt Romney
What- Gives a speech
Where- Jacksonville, Florida. On top of a stage.
When- September 26, 2012 at 2:45pm
Why- He is campaigning to become president of the United States
Background- Senator Mitt Romney makes a speech while campaigning to eventually become president.

Sentence #1 Senator Mitt Romney stands atop a stage in Jacksonville, Florida  gave a two hour speech promising to improve the country once he was elected President.

Sentence #2 Mitt Romney answers a question about his family after giving an extremely long speech while campaigning in Jacksonville, Florida.

Depth of Field (Shallow & Wide)-
Light (angle & intensity)-Light plays a role in pictures & where it comes from plays a huge role in photos. Shadows are the absence of light.
Shadows- the absence of light
Diffusion- to blend or change the intensity of light in different directions.
Exposure- whether the picture is light, dark or somewhere in the middle.
Aperture (f-stop)- aperture is in the lens & it's how big or small the opening is inside the lens
Shutter Speed-the shutter speed is inside of the body of the camera. This controls how long the shutter opens & closes.
ISO-How sensitive the sensor is to  light.

Types of lenses- telephoto, prime, wide angle
Telephoto allows you to zoom in & get closer to your subject
Prime lenses do not zoom at all, they are fixed, require you to be a better photographer
Wide angle cant take a wide angle picture

News value of the phot is important
Timeliness- when the picture was taken
Proximity- how close the event happened
Conflict- we like confilct
Human interest people are different
Prominenece- The president is prominence
Impact- WOW, you want to look at it
Novelty- Something strange, Leslie Cochran

Aperture- the opening in the lens & that opening has a number that it's associated w/. The smaller the number the bigger the opening.
Big opening, shallow depth of field. Small opening, wide depth of field.
Every lens has a maximum & a minimum

ISO when you increase your ISO your camera becomes sensitive too light. Increasing ISO  increases the grain.

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